Friday, January 18, 2008

At this time I anticipate the community involvement being the most engaging aspect of the project over the semester--involvement being defined on several different levels: First, an involvement with my peers, in designing and producing the final built form; secondly, an direct involvement with the community, both in respect to designing particularly for the people and also involving them in the construction; and lastly, community involvement by creation of a space that will permanently shape the community of Clemson as a whole. I foresee these various engaging relationships building much more than a spatial construct. The impact of using your expertise and knowledge in a field that you are passionate about to responsibly change the lives and spaces of a community far outweighs any physical structure. By sharing ideas, collaborating, bonding, and working together as a team we are also engaging the smaller community of our peers. As far as anticipating difficult components of the project, I see many conflicts resulting from mixed design opinions. I guess it is important to keep in mind, as I previously stated, that there is more involved in a design+build project of this caliber than simply the design. In some instances it may be better to simply "choose your battles" wisely, as resolving a minor joint detail is by far subordinate to the relationships established from working closely with both your peers and your community.

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